Image hosted by Well as us communist unite to take over the world I mean just provide you with good music. Remember that we all have our 15 mins of fame.


will this day ever end.

Well today started off definitely on the wrong foot as just gone down hill steeply all day hopefully someone will get on soon and raise my spirits some. I found out this morning I have a particular thing wrong with my body which was the bad news for the day. I then knowing this bad news had to drive around all day doing stupid shit nearly getting hit which just didn't help. I sleep worse than I ever have before I don't know what is wrong with my body but I can not get it to fall asleep before 2 am at all no matter what I do. I wake up at 7:30 everyday to the same old shit that I left the night before. I'm sick and tired of my weak chain of command it's just getting on my nerves that I have nobody over here that has any balls attached to them to stand up for something that they think is wrong. I find it just ridiculously stupid and dumb but me being the lowest ranking guy in my all I can do is take it smile and go on about my day. So today in conclusion SUCKED! no and's if's or but's about it nothing good thus far at 745 pm has come out of this day. I wish I could just erase this day and start over from the beginning. Well for now I suppose I'll listen to some tunes and call it a day at some point. So until tomorrow i'm off to nothingness.
doc A signing off
Live from iraq.

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