Image hosted by Well as us communist unite to take over the world I mean just provide you with good music. Remember that we all have our 15 mins of fame.


Well lets see here

Well Folks I suppose it's been a good while since i've even had a post up on this here thingy that would be because my normal site decided it wanted to take a gernade in the server and die on me so I had to go make my own. SO where to start here. Well you like my title catchy eh. If you don't like it well you can rot in hell and die cause you know what i frankly don't give a freakin damn. So it seems we'll fill you in since Christmas day since that was the last time i had a post up. Hmmmm what happened since then well I went on a heart attack call in ny which sucked for the guy but i had a good time other than the 25 mins of cpr i gots to do. I flew back to okinawa on the 29th rather uneventful flight. I met some new people here female types for a while i thought that they didn't exist. Well pretty good friends they come and they go but remember i'll be just a call away. Well i finally fixed my little japper car so it can pass it's gay inspection that it has to pass. So until next time YOUR ALL COMMUNISTS!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA . On a seperate note to all my fellow listeners out there i hope ya all come back to this site and check it out it's going to be improving everyday as i get my edumacation on web writing again. Well for now Doc A is outte.

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