Well as us communist unite to take over the world I mean just provide you with good music. Remember that we all have our 15 mins of fame.
a day of thought.

the birthday
Doc A
Signing off
an interesting twist

So things as you can see haven't been to overly exciting out there I suppose, getting ready to move out of the current apt and into a new apt with the g/f for whom i love a whole heck of a lot, really to be honest can't even begin to put into words. Christina I'm glad that you walked into my life I really am you definitely make everyday worth waking up too as well as an adventure. Thank you.
I go home the other day on my normal Wednesday for squad night in good ol hamlin and i see there is a piece of mail from the navy, now my first thought is "oh boy here I go again off to iraq" but I was definitely wrong (it was in a large manila envelope) so i rip the top open and go hmmm that's an award cover thing. I open it up and am completely speechless, I had received a bronze star for my actions during my last tour in iraq a pleasant surprise I must say. So i include it here (above right)for those who wish to read the citation. On that note I suppose I'm going to sit here and enjoy the last hour of pure boredom on 9849 (couch on wheels) ambulance. Laters
doc A signing off
Doc A signing off
and to respond to the zed comment left on my previous rant
stupid fucks
So I work last night Monday the 14th of May and I find out from a co-worker that supposedly that I quote unquote have a white supremacy website, although quite ridiculously comical is very not true. If you understood what this site was about then you would maybe know what it is really about. It’s a blog site with a funny ploy on communism (which by the way is a joke between my brother and I) nothing serious. So unfortunally I have to undo the damage that you fucks have done. SO here I sit with a list of what needs to be said.
If you can’t understand that then you need to realize that this site is where I can express my feelings and expressions because last I Checked I lived in the
2) I love the fact that you folks involved are so immature that you have to start a rumor mill based on something that apparently you haven’t read into. Also let us not forget that you probably are very insecure with yourself so you feel the need to lash out on somebody else because of your insecurities. (truth hurts huh??)
3) If you hate me because “ you think that I have a site about blah blah blah” why is it that you don’t approach me instead of being a moron and whispering to your buddies.
4) So I exit with this note. If you don’t like me go fuck yourself because I didn’t come to
5) so I lied I must end on this note, I appreciate the good laugh that you have given me with your childish little games, and also if you feel the need to talk about this go right ahead because I know I’m not going to lose any sleep at all and I will still probably be the same person I was today, tomorrow.
On that note,
Doc A signing off.
P.S. also feel free to comment because this should be comical.
ever wonder?
1) A certain ritzy girl that currently resides in MD although our relationship was short I would say honestly with no hesistation that if you were to say that you wanted us to be together I would drop everything I have here right now and move to where you were with out one second thought and I honestly miss you a whole lot although you were a pain in my butt sometimes I truly loved ya alot and feel that to some extent you still hold a piece of my heart. (if you read this I really wish it doesn't make you run away)
2) growing up I miss the not being forced to grow up due to the fact that I was in a foreign country where 200 marines depended upon me to never let them down.
3) getting my college degree earlier enough said.
4) keeping the friends I lost
5) sleep although I consider it overrated still to this day I really do miss the days where I could control when I did and didn't sleep and just for one day I would love to not either be going to class then work, work, work then class, or just having 1000 other things to do.
I know it has been a while since i've posted but I gotta be honest I've been down in the dumps and haven't really felt like doing much of anything I must say i've become particularly lonely these days and I feel the only person to blame is me I've pushed everybody away that was important in my life and for that i'm truly sorry. I worked 40 hours a week so it's not like i don't have time for people I guess i'm just depressed is the best way I can put it. Well on this note I'm going to go find someting to do. Oh and in case I forgot I got me a new car well sorta new it's an 04 taurus SE I love it it rides nice is fully loaded and well gets alot better gas mileage than the good ol truck was getting so unfortunally I did have to get rid of the one thing in my life that has always been there through thick and thin. (nothing against friends just well it traveled the entire eastern seaboard with me so) I end this on one last note. I miss the feeling of happiness as i feel my soul slide further away from it.
Doc A signing off.
Doc A signing off.
and another day passes.
and the blows just keep coming
Doc A Signing off
Wishing I had a female shoulder to cuddle into (one last sigh for the day)
a year has come and gone.
1) quit smoking this year(although it will take time I'm sure I will succeed in this at some point this year)
2) start my college career (23rd jan I will be starting paramedic class and i'm going to blow it out of the water) and that is the end of the story there.
3) start researching into the MD field see what it is I should study in before going to medical school to make myself more noticeable to the people who make the yay or ney decision of me getting in.
4)get a newer vehicle because well i can't keep affording my truck gas bill every week (ouchy)
5) find without doing any work what was zed mentioned about the woman issue up above.
6) write more frequently here on my good ol blogging site of the bloggingness.
7) establish myself in the workplace of monroe ambulance get the network required to make life easier.
8) starting march 1st colin goes back to gym everyday except prob sunday because well i gotta give the body one day of rest a week (some might wonder why wait till march because well that is when i will be eliable for healthcare benefits at work and in case I injure myself I want to be covered.)
9.) Save money first and foremost this should be #1 but of course well i know it will be hard with new car,college,food,work, and other expected expenses(video games,dates, etc....)
Well to conclude this evening I will end accordingly to all of you out there may you have a happy new years and may your year be happy and such and if its not well remember this you are the reaper of what you sow. On that note PEACE BITCHES!
Doc A (sorry it's just who i am)
Signing off.